BJayhu's Blog
(for better or worse)
(for better or worse)
Spring is definitely my favourite season. Everything is coming alive, there is fresh green everywhere, blossoms everywhere and the hope for a fantastic year! I've been busy getting my yard into shape so all my shrubs and garden areas have a great start for growth.
I have had time to do some art for me, one being a portrait for a friend of her and her husband. I was nervous to gift it to her but she loves it and hopefully it will help heal the heart. I've also decided to find one of my own photos to use as reference in hopes of one day entering an art show. I've also had some great ideas for future art with the help of photoshop to make a reference photo. I've been commissioned to do more people so wish me luck! .... also, Covid vaccinations have been had this month so hopefully a trip or two to Alberta will be happening this summer. Damn I miss my kids and grandkids! |
AuthorJust a woman, now fully retired from my day job...embarking on a full time art career! Archives
January 2025